How to Tie a Fishing Yoyo Knot

The art of an angler lies not only and not so much in how he can attract, hook and pull fish in time , but also in how seriously and professionally he approaches the preparation of tackle. It would seem that in our abundant time there are no particular difficulties: everything you need and almost ready-made can be purchased in the store, up to natural baits. However, an angler who does not know how to tie a knot on a fishing line will now face inevitable difficulties.

We bring to your attention an overview of options for different tackle and types of lines, covering almost all areas of recreational fishing. With the help of our simple guide, you will learn how to create simple and more complex knots for various purposes: for hooks, leashes, jigs, wobblers, cables, and so on. With the right approach and a little training, you will quickly acquire a stable skill that can help you find a way out of a non-standard situation. Believe me, a broken hook is not a reason to stop fishing for at least 10 minutes!

Here is an overview of the content of this tutorial, feel free to jump to any section you care about:

For more fishing instructions, take a look at these popular Trizily links: Best Fishing Lines, Best Fishing Sunglasses.

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How to choose the best knot?

There are many known fishing knots: some of them came to fishing from other areas of activity (for example, maritime affairs or medicine), some were created directly by fishermen specifically for the implementation of applied purposes. Some options are simple to perform and can be easily implemented even by beginners, others are a kind of macrame, the basics of which are difficult to comprehend. Therefore, we do not advise beginners to get carried away with complex weaving: over time, experience will come, and you will find the optimal knot for each fishing purpose, or maybe you will invent your own!


When choosing the best option, one should take into account not only the complexity, but also the purpose of the node. Some combinations are designed for splicing lines of different thicknesses, others are suitable for jigs or wobblers, and others for tying hooks. But what can I say – even hooks with spatulas and ears are attached to the fishing line in different ways.

You can not discount the type of fishing line:

  • Monophilic . The most commonly used option in fishing. There are different thicknesses and degrees of strength, and the latter often depends not only on its diameter, but also on the conscience of the manufacturer. You should not save on the fishing line: if you do not want problems with the tackle, take the goods of a trusted manufacturer, even if it is much more expensive. When working with a monofilament "core", it should be borne in mind that in water it is noticeably stretched, but it is she who leaves the greatest scope for knitting knots of various types.
  • Braid . A great option for fishing heavy powerful fish, both predatory and peaceful. The braided "vein" is quite expensive, but it demonstrates miracles of strength and does not change length under the influence of water or the weight of prey. When handling the braid, you need to be careful – without proper experience, you can seriously cut yourself on it. Another significant drawback: this type of line is noticeable in the water from afar, so it can scare off overly cautious fish.
  • Fluorocarbon . Fluorocarbon is quite an expensive pleasure, but if you go for shy fish, it is difficult to do without it. Such a vein is practically invisible in the water, and the fish takes profit calmly. The obvious disadvantage of a fluorocarbon is its low strength: you cannot go with it to a predator, nor to a large toothless fish. When creating knots on such a fishing line, it is advisable to periodically moisten it with water.

It should be borne in mind that some knots are required exclusively for strength, others should be tightened, and still others should be instantly untied with minimal angler activity.

The simplest knots on the line

Let's focus on the "gold standard" – simple knots that can help the angler in any situation. Having mastered this necessary minimum, you can successfully fish without experiencing problems.

The first universal node is called "surgical" . It can be used for a variety of purposes, such as mating lines, tying leads or connecting cables. The surgical assembly is very simple in design and exhibits acceptable strength. However, it is not recommended to connect too thick veins in this way.

The order of execution of a surgical unit for two lines looks like this:

  • We put two fishing lines together with the working ends towards them.
  • We make 2-3 reciprocal turns.
  • We direct the working ends towards each other again.
  • We make 2-3 reciprocal turns.
  • We tighten the knot as tight as possible.
  • Cut off unnecessary ends.

The number of revolutions can be large and the operation can be repeated for maximum connection reliability. In all cases, it is necessary to periodically moisten the work area, and you can even do with your own saliva.

The second knot, which will probably come in handy for an angler, is called a locking knot . It acts as a kind of limiter of the sliding float's mobility and is indispensable for long-distance casts.

A simple stopper knot is knitted as follows:

  • We put the base on a flat surface.
  • From above we impose a retaining wood wrapped in a loop.
  • We pass the end of the stopper into the loop and wrap it around both lines several times.
  • Tighten the knot tightly.
  • We cut off the tails of the stopper, leaving 3-4 cm on both sides.

A more sophisticated version of the stopper is the Kremkus, a very reliable double knot. In this case, the risk of unnecessary slipping is minimized. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • We fold the retaining core in half and wrap it around the base.
  • We turn the double stopper into a loop and wrap it around ourselves several times.
  • Tighten the knot and cut the ends.

Leash and hook options

The simplest option for attaching a leash to a base line for a complex tackle (for example, a strap) is the aforementioned surgical knot. It allows you to impose several leashes on the root vein at certain distances without much hassle and holds very well.

If we are talking about connecting a fishing line and a leash, for example, for a float rod (that is, in series), you can use the elementary loop-to-loop method:

  • Fold the main vein in half and create a simple knot. A loop forms at the end of the line.
  • We proceed in the aforementioned manner with regard to the leash. Cut off the excess.
  • We put the resulting loops on top of each other and skip the end with a hook in the crosshair. As a result, the leash is tightly fixed in the loop of the main scaffold.

A simple device called a "swivel" can become a lifesaver for the modern angler. It allows you to quickly and without much hassle to mount tackle and change their configuration, as well as to replace the leash with lightning speed in "combat" conditions.

If you need to tie the swivel to the line, we recommend using the gripper knot. It is simple in execution and very versatile: it can be used for tying hooks with ears, as well as spinners.

The algorithm for creating a gripping knot is simple:

  • We pass the working end through the eye of the swivel (hook, spoon).
  • We make 5-6 turns of the working end around the root end.
  • We thread the wood into a loop formed between the eyelet and the winding.
  • We draw the end into a wide loop between the winding and the wood.
  • We tighten the knot and cut off the excess.

For tying a hook with a shoulder blade, the above method is not suitable, but there is another simple option. We make a loop, attach a hook to it, wrap one side of the loop around the hook, thread the end into the loop, move the wood to the base and tighten it tightly.

Wobbler binding

There are many ways to attach a wobbler to a fishing line, but a beginner needs to master at least one of them.

The simplest option is a "tight loop" :

  • We retreat 15-20 cm and tie the core in the usual way, without tightening.
  • We pass the free end into the ear (ring) of the wobbler, then we stretch it into the knot.
  • We pull on the root end, tightening and sliding the knot towards the bait.
  • We repeat the operation to secure the knot.

The Rapala unit is a more reliable modification of the above-mentioned variant. It is not too difficult to implement, so you can master it too. The procedure is as follows:

  • On the fishing line, create a knot at a distance of 15-20 cm from the free end.
  • We pass the end into a ring and a knot, without tightening.
  • We wrap the working end in a loop along the primary forest 3-5 times.
  • Make a loop at the ring and pull the end through it.
  • Tighten the knot carefully. There is no need to repeat the operation: the rapala holds excellently.

Both of the above options are not only suitable for wobblers: they can be used to attach all artificial baits equipped with rings.

Optimal knots for a jig

Marmooska is a wonderful tackle used mainly for ice fishing. However, even when fishing in free water, certain types of jigs demonstrate high catchability. Now they are made from both soft polymers and ultra-strong metals and are differentiated by purpose depending on the season, weather and local conditions and the type of fish .

But some beginners are simply afraid to deal with jigs, not knowing how to properly fix them on the line . And it's in vain: it's a simple matter, and can be mastered in just 5-10 minutes.

  • Jigsaw with a ring . The procedure is as follows: thread the end into a ring, create a loop in the area of the hook, tie the base of the hook to the root vein with 4-7 turns, pass the end into the loop, tighten the knot. For strength, you can put a piece of insulation from the wire on the core.
  • Jig with a hole in the center . In this case, an ordinary noose, which is thrown onto the hook, is optimal. The algorithm is simple: we pass the forest through the hole, create a simple knot, wrap it with the working end 3-4 times inside it, throw the resulting sliding loop onto the hook, tighten the knot.
  • Tying with a "locomotive" . Some fishermen hook two jigs in the forest at once: the upper one is smaller, the lower one is more impressive. In this case, the above nodes are used, however, you need to tie the jigs at a sufficient distance, for which you leave a stock of forest and stretch it with the working end down.

Connecting the lines

To connect the lines, you can use the same surgical unit – it is truly universal. There is another simple option:

  • We fold and tie the lines in a simple way. We cut the excess.
  • At the same place, we fold the loop and wrap the forest around it 6-7 times.
  • We pass the original knot through the loop, tighten it tightly, eliminate the excess.

For fastening lines of different texture and thickness (for example, "braids" and "monofilaments"), an uncomplicated method with the democratic name "carrot" is ideal :

  • On the main vein we make a knot and pass a thinner line through it in the direction "towards".
  • We make 7-8 turns of the working end around the primary forest in one direction.
  • We return 7-8 backward turns back to the original node.
  • We stretch the working end and thread it into the original knot.
  • We wet the work area, tighten the knot tightly, cut off the ends.

As an alternative, you can recommend the so-called "bloody knot" or "Albright", but these methods are noticeably more complicated, and practically does not differ in strength from an ordinary "carrot".

Non-tightening knots and hinges

In this case, we consider the units , is mainly used for splicing cables and fixing them on various subjects. When fishing from a boat, you need to master the technique of tying them, but they can be useful in other cases as well. The most primitive examples are mooring, securing gear, tying up cargo.

In most cases, non-tightening knots are used in fishing. In everyday life, all sorts of variations of bayonets and half-bayonets are used: fishing, mast, with an overhang. The most elementary option, though not the most reliable, is a simple half-bayonet . In fact, this is an ordinary double knot: we wind the end of the cable around the object, thread the end into a loop, then tie it to the root cable with a fight. Such a knot can also be knitted on a braided line, but it does not differ in particular strength.

To fasten two cables, the simplest "oak" knot is often used : the ends of the cables are tied twice with a sufficient margin. For a simple throwing on an object, an "oak" loop is also suitable , which is created in an elementary way: fold the end of the cable in half and tie it around ourselves, tightening the knot. The resulting loop – and there is the same one, "oak" you can imagine.

Tightening knots and loops

Tightening knots (or sliding knots) are characterized by the fact that they contribute to the maximum fixation of the cable to the object. If you don't want to be too philosophical, you can limit yourself to a simple running knot :

  • We fold the cable into a loop.
  • We loop the working end into the original loop.
  • Throw the resulting loop over the desired object and pull at the root end. Done!

An uncomplicated variation of a simple running knot is the "figure eight" : the procedure is similar to the previous one, but initially the cable does not fit into a loop, but into a "figure eight". If there is a desire to get a quick-release version, the same "eight" will do, but with the working end folded in half.

For lovers of experimentation and special reliability, you can recommend a not too complicated power loop, a running bowline acting on the lasso principle, or an exotic Lynch loop, which evokes a kind of association with a gallows.

Thickening the rope with a knot

To increase the thickness of the cable and create an obstacle to sliding, in many cases, a simple knot is sufficient: create a loop, pass the end into it, tighten the knot. For the fortress, you can strengthen it with several additional turns around the root end and get a variation of the "bloody knot". If there is a need for a quick untying, it is best to stop at the "eight".

Now you know that tying a line into a knot is not so difficult: if you wish, you can master the simplest options in a matter of minutes. Having in your arsenal a couple of well-learned and proven methods, you can safely start fishing without fear of problems with tackle. All these are working moments that can be eliminated without unnecessary hassle and loss of time.

All that remains is to wish you successful fishing. Less problems with tackles, good weather, sunny mood and a rich catch for you, fellows in the hobby of a lifetime!

How to Tie a Fishing Yoyo Knot


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