Where Is There a Farrell's Ice Cream in Vancouver Washington Parlor


Grammar Tests

A. Fill in a, an, the, вЂ"

1. He was born in _______ small Russian town.

a) an
b) a
c) вЂ"
d) the

2. _______ Petrovs are our neighbours.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) вЂ"

3. _______ ice-cream is made of milk and sugar.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) вЂ"

4. Have you heard that the Ivanovs have got _______ new flat?

a) the
b) some
c) a
d) вЂ"

5. I’m going to revise _______ words and grammar of Lesson 13.

a) a
b) some
c) the
d) вЂ"

6. _______ United States of America consists of 50 states.

a) a
b) the
c) вЂ"
d) an

7. Look, _________ snow near __________ factory is almost black.

a) the, вЂ"
b) the, the
c) a, the
d) вЂ", the

8. Moscow stands on _______ Moskva River.

a) the
b) a
c) вЂ"
d) an

9. Please give me _________ milk; I like _________ milk for dinner.

a) a, the
b) вЂ", вЂ"
c) the, вЂ"
d) the, the

Key: 1. b; 2. c; 3. d; 4. c; 5. c; 6. b; 7. b; 8. a; 9. c

B. Fill in some, any, no, a

1. I want _______ paper to write _______ letter.

a) a, some
b) some, a
c) no, some

2. You need _______ sharp knife to cut _______ wood.

a) a, вЂ"
b) some, a
c) a, a

3. John gave me _______ good advice, but I didn’t take _______ notice.

a) any, some
b) a, any
c) some, any

4. I went to the manager to get _______ information.

a) any
b) no
c) some

5. I have _______ paper to write _______ letter to my friend now.

a) a, some
b) no, a
c) no, some

6. I’d like _______ cup of coffee and _______ water, please.

a) any, a
b) a, some
c) some, no

7. There aren’t _______ easy ways of learning languages.

a) no
b) some
c) any

8. Do you want _______ more coffee?

a) any
b) no
c) some

9. Can _______ of you help me to finish the work?

a) some
b) any
c) no

10. _______ of them told me that the Petrovs had moved to Moscow.

a) no
b) some
c) any

Key: 1. b; 2. b; 3. c; 4. c; 5. b; 6. b; 7. c; 8. c; 9. b, 10. b

C. Present Simple, Present Continuous

1. The sun _______ brightly, look how beautiful it is.

a) shines
b) is shining
c) has shone

2. She _______ the house daily.

a) cleans b) is cleaned c) has cleaned

3. The news bulletin _______ at 9 p.m.

a) will begin
b) begins
c) began

4. I’m still _______ for an answer to my questions.

a) waits
b) waiting
c) waited

5. The children generally _______ their homework at school.

a) is doing
b) make
c) do

6. Some people try to improve their English by _______ the BBC World Service.

a) listening
b) to listen
c) listening to

7. In some places _______ almost every day.

a) it is raining
b) it rains
c) there rains

8. The sun _______ in the East.

a) is rising
b) will rise
c) rises

9. Don’t interrupt her, she _______ her homework.

a) is doing
b) do
c) doing

10. When everybody _______ we shall begin the meeting.

a) is coming
b) comes
c) will come

Key: 1. b; 2. a; 3. b; 4. b; 5. c; 6. c; 7. b; 8. c; 9. a; 10. b

D. Used to

1. I always _______ take the car on Sundays.

a) used b) used to c) need

2. We __________ live in the country, but now we live in the suburbs.

a) use
b) used to
c) uses

3. I’ve got _______ to getting up early.

a) understand
b) used
c) used to

4. Tom _______ travel a lot but these days he doesn’t go away very often.

a) uses
b) used to
c) did used

5. Lions _______ to guard the Tower of London up to 1784.

a) have used
b) are used
c) were used

6. They often _______ go to the theatre when they lived in London.

a) used
b) have used
c) used to

Key: 1. b; 2. a; 3. b; 4. b; 5. c; 6. c

E. Make Sentences by putting the words in order.

1. newspapers, shelf, on, this, any, there, Are?
2. any, There, not, the, magazines, table, on, are.
3. is, not, the, in, There, anybody, dining-room.
4. some, went, I, night, friends, last, to, with, the, pub.
5. long, married, they, How, been, have?
6. many, there, How, every, are, everyday, lectures, in, time-table, your?
7. Chinese, the, Many, people, is, world’s, language, think, difficult, that, most.
8. Walt, is, known, well, Disney, the, very, all, world, over.
9. neither, like, books, dull, nor, films, I, dull.
10. people, we, international, all, think, Some, should, speak, language, single, a.
11. this, What, in, there, monument, is, street?
12. friend, at, plant, work, the, does, not, Your.
13. am, looking, for, the, I, dictionary.
14. should, temperature, You, twice, day, a, your, take.


1. Are there any newspapers on this shelf?
2. There are not any magazines on the table.
3. There is not anybody in the dining-room.
4. I went to the pub last night with some friends.
5. How long have they been married?
6. How many lectures are there in your time-table every day.
7. Many people think that Chinese is the world’s most difficult language.
8. Walt Disney is very well known all over the world.
9. I like neither dull books nor dull films.
10. Some people think we should all speak a single international language.
11. What monument is there in this street?
12. Your friend does not work at the plant.
13. I am looking for the dictionary.
14. You should take your temperature twice a day.

F. Neither … nor, both … and, either … or

Join these sentences using the words in brackets.

1. He doesn’t drink a lot. He doesn’t eat a lot.
2. They would like fruit. They would like ice-cream.
3. John will give you the book. John will lend you the book.
4. She doesn’t eat bread. She doesn’t eat potatoes.
5. John will help you. Mary will help you.
6. They understand Chinese. They speak Chinese.
7. I don’t know Peter. I don’t know John.

Key: 1. neither … nor; 2. both … and; 3. either … or; 4. neither … nor; 5. either … or; 6. both … and; 7. either … or

G. Complete these sentences using an appropriate form of “could or to be able to” (sometimes both are possible).

When I was at school I (1)_______ (speak) German quite well, but last week I met a German at a party and (2)_______ (not understand) a word he said. He spoke a little English and he (3)_______ (tell) me that he was staying in England only for a few days.
He was a nice man and I would have invited him home if I (4)_______ (understand) him better. He didn’t look German, in fact he (5)_______ (be) English from his appearance. He invited me to Germany next summer and I would go if I (6)________ (afford) it. Mary speaks German and she (7)________ (come) with me if I went. My boss said that I (8)_______ (take) my holiday in June if I wanted to. After the party my car wouldn’t start, but the German gentleman was staying near where I live so he (9)_______ (take) me home in his car. Then, when I got home, I found I didn’t have a key, but the kitchen window was open so I (10)______ (climb) in.

Key: 1. could speak; 2. couldn’t understand (wasn’t able to understand); 3. he was able to tell; 4. had been able to understand (could have understood); 5. could have been; 6. could afford; 7. could come (would be able to come); 8. could take; 9. was able to take; 10. was able to climb

H. Put questions to the words in bold.

1. Her father was a teacher of science.
2. After many years of waiting she finally left her native city in 1891.
3. She lived in a bare attic in the poorest quarter of Paris.
4. Her meals were poor.
5. The University of Paris refused him a laboratory.
6. At this time Mrs. Curie got her Master’s degree in Physics.


1. Who? What kind of teacher…?
2. What did she do? When?
3. Who? What kind of?
4. What? What kind…?
5. What university? What did it do?
6. What did she get? On what subject?

I. Other, another

1. Give me _______ pen.
2. There were _______ boys whom I did not know at all.
3. She received _______ degree.
4. I read these books. One is interesting, _______ is dull.
5. She worked at _______ book last year.
6. Have you got _______ lessons today?
7. He chose _______ course.
8. This laboratory is on the first floor, _______ is on the second.
9. Where is _______ piece of chalk?
10. Tell me something about _______ discoveries.

Key: 1. another; 2. other; 3. another; 4. another; 5. another; 6. other; 7. another; 8. the other; 9. another; 10. other

By A. Selimkhanova,
School No. 814, Moscow

Where Is There a Farrell's Ice Cream in Vancouver Washington Parlor

Source: https://eng.1sept.ru/article.php?ID=200700415

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